28 totally useless, random facts about me...
*i hate running*
*if you leave me a voicemail the likelihood of me checking it is slim to none*
*i need my very own petting zoo*
*i avoid trips to the bank until i absolutely can't wait any longer to go*
*in 5th grade i had a crush on a left-handed boy who made check marks backwards. ever since i've made check marks backwards*
*if something has a hood and i can wear it up, then i will*
*i say "sorry". a lot.*
*i've never seen anyone look cool wearing a bluetooth earpiece*
*i like fruit and i like dessert, but i'm not usually a fan of fruit desserts*
*i use an electric toothbrush*
*i love to be called "ash" but i'm funny about who can do it*
*i subscribe to disney channel on demand*
*ive eaten bologna and butter sandwiches ever since i was little*
*quilts are my favorite type of blanket*
*i easily hit snooze at least 4 or 5 times every morning before i actually get up*
*my favorite muscle is vastus medialis*
*i love to read the news online*
*i do not like lettuce*
*my favorite color is green*
*if i have a journal or a notepad, i want it to be unlined paper*
*i never make my bed. ever*
*if you want to see the sin in my life just catch me in traffic*
*i'm a napkin crumbler. i've tried to be a folder, but i just cant do it*
*i love grapes but hate just about everything that is artificial grape flavored*
*golden girls or everybody loves raymond are a must-watch right before bed*
*if i could get by with wearing only gym shorts and tshirts for the rest of my life i'd be happy*
*i love to sit on the floor*
*"God didn't make me smart, He made me a people person" is a phrase i use to describe myself to others a lot*
*i love grapes but hate just about everything that is artificial grape flavored*
-ME TOO!! Must be a scorpio thing! Happy Birthday Friend!! :)
Ha ha this is hilarious. In college I used to watch Golden Girls every night before I went to bed--2 episodes! I agree it's the perfect bedtime show. Now I watch Law and Order, though. Have you ever tried frozen grapes. Just put them in freezer. They never completely freeze so they just come out like slushies!
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