Okay..so maybe reverse that..beach first and then the mountains!
I'm starting to get SUPER excited because the next two weekends are full of fun little trips and I love any excuse to get out of Raleigh! :)
This weekend I'm going to the beach with Laura, Friday evening through Sunday, and I can't wait! It's quite possibly my last chance to see the ocean this summer so I'm happy about getting to be there for the whole entire weekend! I'm certain, rain or shine, we will have tons of fun!
Next weekend, me and my fantastic K Cubed friends have a little trip planned to Boone. All the details are slowly but surely coming together, but I do know for sure that it will involve hiking, camping, and jumping off of waterfalls with 4 of my favorite people - how could I not be excited! Expect LOTS of pictures! :)
Things I'm learning
God has used this past year, to bring out so many things in my life that I really need to work on. One of them that He has brought to the forefront right now is my bitterness and bad attitude towards certain situations or people in my life.
I'm so selfish and self-centered sometimes...scratch that..A LOT of times, that I fail to show grace and mercy to people when they need it most. I get so irritated and frustrated whenever I feel like I've been mistreated or wronged by someone. Funny thing is, I can guarantee I have a horrible attitude towards those same people plenty of times so all the more reason, I should be loving on and forgiving them. And, I don't know about for you, but for me - it seems the better I know someone or the closer we are, the easier it is to hold on to things or treat those people unfairly. Wow - I've still got so much growing to do!
Fun Facts
Tomorrow is my official "New Every Two" date with Verizon! WHOO HOO! My little phone is just about as broke as it can be while still being able to work, so I can't wait to get a new phone! Surprising, since I don't even like to talk on the phone in the first place - ha.
Last night I got a paper cut...only it was on a cardboard box I think, so maybe it should be called a cardboard cut? Either way - I'm pretty sure the cut is deeper than some slices from kitchen knives that I've had. Who knew cardboard could be so dangerous?!
Shout Outs
#1) David Levin - Here's to you David! You get the first because you had shout outs on your page to begin with....I just stole your idea! :P
#2) Tonia Jackson -Kudos to you for finding that "super important" information on the internet for me yesterday! It took you no time at all! ;) And I thought I was good at searching things on the online!
#3) Shelley Levin - You're my very best friend and that right there is enough to earn you a shout out! BUT, you also brought me a HUGE cheerwine last night, which makes you even more deserving than you already were! I love you!